OC Real Housewives Tips for You

Real Housewives of RHOC keep infidelity secret

Heather Dubrow, reality tv star of the Real Housewives of Orange County has shown that she has the composure to keep a secret, until she is challenged by her frenemy, Shannon Beador, that is. Seems like there was a lot of dishing during the RHOC Reunion trailer.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

During a RHOC reunion trailer, Heather Dubrow yelled at Shannon Beador, her cast mate of the Real Housewives of Orange County Bravo franchise, “I could have blown up your family. I knew David was having an affair. By the way, you knew David was having an affair?”

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Cast members of the Real Housewives Bravo franchise are not alone. Shannon Beador and her husband, David met while both attended college at the University of Southern California (USC). They eventually became college sweethearts and later stayed married for 17 years. The broke up in 2017 and dissolved their marriage two years later.

The Real Housewives Tips for You

Common everyday married women as well as reality tvy stars like Shannon Beador, celebrity cast member of the Real Housewives of Orange County, dread with great apprehension and even fear to hear the utterance of these phrases from their partner and/or long term mate:

  • I need more space.
  • I don’t love you anymore.
  • I am seeing someone else.
  • I want a divorce.

What is dreaded even more, perhaps is when the jilted wife finds out from her bestie, frenemy or close associate that her husband’s infidelity was known all along.

As bad as the wronged wife (Shannon Beador) may feel about her husband’s cheating, just think of the predicament her bestfriend or frenemy (Heather Dubrow) has to live through and process.

According to relationship expert quoted in the NYTimes, a friend who has discovered that her friend’s husband is cheating with another woman needs to answer these questions. In so doing, they can determine the best course of action.

  • Are you emotionally close enough to your friend or frenemy to feel that she is entitled to find out the bad news from you? Maybe Heather Dubrow did not feel as though she was considered a true confidant or trustworthy, so she kept silent on Shannon Beador’s husband’s affair.
  • Would your friend or frenemy expect you to tell her? Maybe Heather Dubrow isn’t in Shannon Beador’s tight circle, so there were no expectations.
  • Would you feel confident knowing that you are shouldering some of the blame for a marriage destroyed? Perhaps Heather Dubrow rationalized that keeping silent and using the strategy ‘see no evil, hear no evil’ is the best approach. Why get involved if you do not know all of the details?

In closing, the relationship suggested that it is probably best for the friend to inform the spouse of her husband’s infidelity. Why? Because the friend/frenemy (Heather Dubrow) is disempowering Shannon Beador by failing to inform her. To paraphrase, Heather Debrow should have told Shannon Beador so that the ball would be in her court. “By protecting her from the truth, you would be taking a decision that rightly belongs to her.”

Atlanta Real Housewives Tips for You

Real Housewives Atlanta share husband

The Real Housewives of Atlanta franchise has taught housewives everywhere, “Never share or attempt to share a husband of a bestie. Not even an ex-husband. Porsha Williams, one of the most popular stars of the Real Housewives Bravo franchise feuded with Kenya Moore, alleging that Kenya slept with her ex-husband Kordell Stewart.

No offense to Kordell, but most ladies know that men will be men, I mean true dogs when it comes to lust and love. And most women, celebrity real housewives included know that once you try to date the husband, ex, or boyfriend of a friend; you are labeled a bad girl forever! Kenya Moore has been perceived by many who follow the Real Housewives of Atlanta reality tv series as an evil villain.

Real Housewives Tips for You

Besties, bestfriends, frenemies the world over know that boyfriends, current husbands, ex-husbands and even one night stands and flings of girls within your inner circle are generally offlimits.

Even relationship experts who dish out advice to college students say the matter can be very tricky. It all depends upon who left whom in the relationship. Was it your bestie who broke up with her partner (leaving the door open for you to pursue a relationship). Or, was it her boyfriend who ditched her leaving your bestie’s heart broken? Maybe your friend, frenemy still yearns for a reconciliation.

Real Housewives Tips for You

Do you want to escape the fate of Kenya Moore, cast member of the Real Housewives of Atlanta? Do you want to dodge and avoid the bad girl villain role? Here are some real housewives tips for you. Relationship counselors would suggest that there are several factors to consider when determining whether your friend’s ex is on or off limits.

  • How long ago did the break-up happen? This may be commonsensical, but you can’t imagine how many lovelorn girls still carry a torch for the boyfriend that got away. If it has only been a week or two, bide your time and try to wait it out. If it has been a year or two, you could tread, but still tread lightly.
  • How long did the relationship last? If they were together for just a few weeks or months, then there may not have been enough time to establish a long-lasting bond. However, if they were childhood friends, a campus couple, and adult lovers, no matter how much you like this guy; your friend’s bond with him consists of a storehouse of memories that may be hard to break and/or withstand.
  • If it was your friend who did the ‘breaking up’, then the door is wide open. Go ahead run through it, as it is considered more socially acceptable you to date your bestie’s old flame. They do suggest, however, that you should (in all fairness) casually mention her ex and gently ask if she thinks it is a good idea.
  • If your friend is already in a new relationship, go ahead girl. Take a shot at her old man. No one could be the wiser.
  • If it was your friend who got dumped instead of being the dumper, then a huge can of worms is introduced. Your bestie may experience tendencies bordering on paranoia. She may falsely accuse you of being the source of their break-up. You may lose your friend altogether, as she might begin to internalize her rejection with your success. Finally, at every turn, she might attempt to surreptitiously undermine your relationship with your ex. So in the end you may lose a bestie and a boyfriend. Think twice. Who needs the trouble?

Real Housewives Tips for You

Looking back to Porsha Williams and Kenya Moore, cast mates of the Real Housewives of Atlanta Bravo reality tv series. Their relationship did not survive the sharing of an ex-husband. Fans of the Real Housewives of Atlanta noticed that the only time the two got along was when they birthed their daughters. In the end, their conflict from the feuding about Porsha’s husband may last longer than any one girl’s relationship with Kordell Stewart.